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Due Diligence Property & Inspection Creation in SMRT Inspection Manager
Due Diligence Property & Inspection Creation in SMRT Inspection Manager

This document provides step-by-step instructions for creating properties and inspections for Due Diligence (DD).

Updated over a week ago


This document provides step by step instructions for creating properties and inspections for Due Diligence.

The following video goes through the functionality of the feature.


The Web App supports the following Desktop Browsers:

  • Google Chrome

  • Mozilla Firefox

  • Safari

  • MS Edge

Note: SMRT Inspection Manager does not support MS Internet Explorer

Step 1

Log In to the Web App

  • Login at

  • Select your company from the Organization List

  • Select Due Diligence from the App menu on the left

Step 2

Create a Property

1. Select Properties under Due Diligence and click New Property in the top right corner

  • Complete the Property Details form by adding the property name, address, and region, then click Create

  • If you do not utilize regions in Inspect, select Global from the drop-down

2. Upload your rent roll by clicking Import Property Layout in the top right corner

  • After selecting a file, you will see a preview of your rent roll

  • Confirm the Building, Unit, and Floor Plan columns are identified correctly

  • Submit the rent roll; this will add your units, buildings, and floor plans

Configure your property

1. Floor Plans Tab

  • Select the Menu at the top right, next to the +New Floor Plan button

  • Select Edit All Floor Plans

  • Inspect's Standard Room list and the Floor Plans from your rent roll will be displayed in a grid

  • To apply a room to all floor plans, click the checkbox to the left of the room name

  • To apply a room to only a specific floor plan, click the appropriate checkbox in the grid

  • To reorder rooms across all floor plans, use the arrows to the left of the room names to drag and drop the rooms into the desired order

  • Always double-check your inspection template before completing this step. Your template may utilize rooms that are not within the Standard Room List

To add a non-standard room, click the +Add Room button at the top right of the list

The room name can be whatever you want, but the room type must match the room type from your inspection template

  • After configuring rooms, click Save

2. Buildings Tab

  • Select the Menu at the top right, next to the +Building button

  • Select Edit All Buildings

  • This tool works just like the floor plan application

  • The Standard Building Area list and the Buildings from your rent roll will be displayed in a grid

  • Always double-check your inspection template before completing this step. Your template may utilize Building Areas that are not within the Standard List

- To add a non-standard Building Area, click the +Add Building Area button at the bottom of the list

- The Building Area name can be whatever you want, but the type must match the type from your inspection template

  • After configuring your Building Areas, click Save

3. Site Areas Tab

  • Click the +New Site Area button to add Site Areas such as Fitness Center, Pool Area, Dog Park, Clubhouse, etc

  • The Site Area Types are populated from your inspection template

  • You can add multiple Site Areas of the same type, just give them unique names

Step 3

Ensure Licenses are available

1. Under the Management menu, you may purchase Due Diligence licenses and pay by credit card

2. If you would prefer to be invoiced, contact your sales representative

  • SMRT Inspection Manager's support team will ensure invoiced licenses are available for you to use in the Web App

Step 4

Create the Inspection

1. Under Due Diligence, Select Inspections

2. Click the + New Inspection button to launch the Inspection Workflow

3. First enter your inspection details including the Inspection Name, Description, and Date

  • The Description will display to inspectors within the app

  • Due Diligence Inspections will be visible in the app prior to the Inspection Date

4. Next, select a property that has already been created, or click Manage Properties to create a new property

  • After selecting a property, the Property Info section will populate, showing all spaces configured on the property

  • All spaces are automatically selected

  • Click Update to deselect any spaces you don’t want to inspect

  • Manage Properties will also allow you to make changes to a selected property

5. Select the Inspection Type and Template to be used on the inspection

  • Clicking Manage will allow you to add or edit company level types and templates

  • Once the template has been selected, the Template Info section will populate, showing the number of question sets and questions on the inspection

  • Click update to deselect questions that appear in the company level template

  • This section will alert you to possible missing spaces on your inspection

- In the screenshot below, all of the questions related to Dog Park have been removed from the template. They will not appear on the inspection

- There is no Laundry Room Site Area configured at this property, it will not appear on the inspection. If one should be configured, it can be added as a Site Area after selecting Manage Properties.

6. Select which users should be assigned to this inspection

  • These users must exist on the Organization

  • If a new user needs to be added that has not already been invited to the organization, they can be invited after clicking Manage Users

  • Clicking into the Add User box will show a dropdown, but you may also search for a specific user

7. Click Create to create the inspection

  • The inspection will be visible in the mobile app once it has been created

  • If the inspection is in the future, you will see it under the Upcoming tab when you return to the inspection list

Step 5

Begin Inspecting

  • The inspection can now be downloaded in the SMRT Inspection Manager mobile app

  • Refer to the training document on Completing Inspections on Mobile Devices for further instructions

Step 6

Make Changes

1. Edit the Inspection by clicking the Edit Icon in the top right corner of the Inspection Card, and relaunch the inspection creation screen to make the following changes:

  • Change the Inspection Name, Description, Start Date

  • Exclude spaces from the inspection

  • Exclude questions from the inspection

  • Add more users

  • Inspectors must refresh the inspection on their mobile devices to see these changes

2. Edit the Inspection Template by clicking the ellipsis icon to view the inspection menu and launch the template editor to make the following changes:

  • Add/Change Questions

  • Add/Change Answers

  • Add/Change Costs

  • Set Question/Photo/Comment Requirements

  • Change the Order of Questions

  • Any changes made here will only apply to this property, and not the company level template

  • Inspectors must refresh the inspection on their mobile devices to see these changes

- Inspectors must be connected to the internet to refresh the inspection

- Pull down on the main inspection screen to refresh or tap the back button to view the inspection list, then reselect the inspection

Step 7

View Sync Statuses

  • During the inspection, you may want to confirm that your inspectors’ data has been received

  • From the Inspection menu, select View Sync Statuses

  • This feature will show you each sync that has been received, as well as the locations that were uploaded


Does a license need to be purchased prior to creating a property?

No, you can create a property in advance of purchasing a license. A license will be required to create an inspection.

Can I be invoiced for a license?

Yes, contact the sales team to request.

Can I change the questions and answers after creating an inspection?

Yes, please reference the training document for On the Fly Changes.

Related Resources

On the Fly Changes

Completing Inspection on Mobile

Due Diligence Reporting

For more information about the SMRT Inspection Manager platform, please visit our Knowledge Base Articles. Should you need additional support, please don't hesitate to contact the Help Team.

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