This process applies to SightPlan Inspect Enterprise inspections. These include operational inspections such as Preventative Maintenance, Move In/Out, Regional Manager Scorecards, etc.
Inspections are completed using the Inspection Management mobile application for data entry.
Step 1
Login to the Web App and Select Your Organization
Login at inspect.sightplan.com.
Select your company from the Organization List.
Select Enterprise from the App menu on the left.
Select Inspections to view the Inspections Calendar.
Step 2
View Inspections for a Property
Select Inspections under Enterprise and select a property from the drop down box above the calendar.
You can view the Monthly, Weekly, or Daily Calendar using the buttons to the right (notated in the image above with an arrow).
View the Inspection List by clicking the list icon at the top right.
The Inspection List will allow you to filter or search inspections.
Step 3
View Reports
At any time during the inspection, you can view the status of all synced data.
Select the Inspection from the Inspection Calendar.
Click the report icon on the Inspection Details Card.
Select your desired report from the drop down box and click the View button.
To add photos to your report, select "Include Photos" from the filter pane, then click the "Filter" button.
Reports are available to be downloaded in PDF and XLS formats.
What type of reports should I download for a specific inspection?
Check with your management company to confirm the preferred reports for each inspection type you are performing.
Can I view reports on mobile?
Reports are not accessible from the SightPlan Inspect mobile application, but the Web App is accessible on mobile devices. You are able to view the inspection calendar and reporting using the mobile browser on your phone or tablet.
Related Resources
Completing Inspections on Mobile
For more information about the SightPlan platform, please visit our Knowledge Base Articles. Should you need additional support, please don't hesitate to contact the Help Team at help@sightplan.com.