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Signing Up (Property Team)
Signing Up (Property Team)

Unless your company uses Single-Sign-On (SSO), you will receive an invitation from your on-site administrator to sign up with SightPlan.

Updated over a week ago

Signing Up

Signing up with SightPlan as a user requires an invitation from your on-site administrator. Before proceeding, please be sure to check with your Property Manager or Admin that you have been added to the on-site team. 

NOTE: This article is for members of property teams not utilizing SSO and not residents.

Accepting Your Invitation 

When invited to the property, you will receive a text message that reads:

"You've been invited to join the {Property Name} property on SightPlan! Click the link below to sign up: {link}"

When navigating to the link provided, please check the following areas and add the information required: 

  • First & Last Name

  • Title

  • Mobile Number

  • Enter a UserName

  • Enter a Password

Once you've completed signing up, your account will be complete. From there, you can use the web or the SightPlan Mobile app to sign in. 


Single-Sign-On (SSO)
Many companies are utilizing SSO for authentication and their I.T. team may be in charge of assigning their employees to their respective properties. Therefore, you may need to check with your company's I.T. team to make sure everything has been processed.

If your property utilizes our Engage product, your residents will be invited to the online portal and Resident App mobile applications.

If you run into any issues during this process, please feel free to reach out to our Help Team using the SightPlan Help Chat button in the bottom right corner of the screen or send us an email at We're here to help! 

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